Parliamentary Help Desk, providing information and analysis on governmental and parliamentary campaigns

Global Inward Investors Network,Diplomatic Applications,Parliamentary Applications,Careears TV

Diplomatic Inward Investors News Insights & TV and Podcasts Channel

The first ever bespoke streaming service, tv channel, news insights and podcast platform for commercial diplomats and the inward investors to the UK they assist . The programmes and podcasts will analyse and explain the legal, regulatory and tax considerations to inward investment with invaluable insights from premium-tier law firms, accountants, banks and consultancies.

The programmes and podcasts will be available , subject to regulatory approvals, via platforms and outlets such as Spotify, BBC Sounds , Sky , Amazon , YouTube, Apple and Google and be distributed to leading financial news outlets, international Chambers of Commerce and business organisations. Please contact us for full details of where and how you can watch the programmes , listen to the podcasts or read the latest analysis.

Watch these videopodcasts below or read the latest analysis for inbound investors to the UK

Parliamentary Help Desk, providing information and analysis on governmental and parliamentary campaigns







Simmons Simmons

Working at Simmons & Simmons




Hogan Lovells

Global Leader in Energy, Infrastructure and Renewables




DLA Piper

Life Sciences and IP Law




Global reach, local expertise
In the global economy




Parliamentary Help Desk, providing information and analysis on governmental and parliamentary campaigns


Global Inward Investors Network,Diplomatic Applications,Parliamentary Applications,Careears TV

Advice for cross-border investors


Global Inward Investors Network,Diplomatic Applications,Parliamentary Applications,Careears TV

Advice on UK Parliamentary and Government initiatives and regulations

Global Inward Investors Network,Diplomatic Applications,Parliamentary Applications,Careears TV

Studying and working internationally

TV and Podcasts Channel

Parliamentary Help Desk, providing information and analysis on governmental and parliamentary campaigns





Global Inward Investors Network

45 Albermarle Street
London W1S 4JL

TEL: +44 (0) 20 3 633 2740

Mobile 24 hour Inward Investor Inquiries

+44 (0) 7546 229090






Registered Office: Global Inward Investors Network Limited Registered Number: 14153031

Registered Address 209 High Road

London N2 8AN











Parliamentary Projects, providing information and analysis on governmental and parliamentary campaigns

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